The Most Underrated Pieces of Outdoor and Survival Gear
Breaking down pieces of gear that should be in your kit, but might not be
When it comes to assembling your kit, you probably have the basics covered such as a solid SHTF rifle (popular ones include an AR or AK platform) that is outfitted with all of the cool attachments like an optic and a suppressor, a trustworthy plate carrier that is probably outfitted with Molle slots to hold things like your first aid kit, and of course a quality backpack or tactical bag to put your belongings in so you can lace up your boots and hit the road. But there are definitely some things that you might find to be “useless” and not know how useful they are, until you are in a situation where you need them. So what are some things that should be in your tactical bag that might not be?
Our team at Core Vision Training is going to break down some of the most underrated pieces of outdoor and survival gear that you should always have on you so you can be prepared for any situation.
Underrated Pieces of Outdoor and Survival Gear
Maybe you are someone who is preparing for the end of the world, someone who enjoys going on ruck trips for long periods of time, or maybe you are someone who just likes to have these pieces of gear on hand in case the situation ever arises when you need it. Regardless of the reason why you need tactical and outdoor gear, there are certain things that should always be in your kit.
The number one most underrated piece of outdoor gear is a headlamp. You may be thinking that headlamps are pointless, especially if you have a good tactical helmet with night vision goggles equipped, or a solid flashlight. However, what happens in a situation where you just need a source of light, such as pitching a tent or lighting up a path, where you may not have your free hand to use your flashlight or you might not need your night vision, a headlamp is definitely going to come in handy.
That being said, what headlamp is a good one to use? The Streamlight Enduro Pro Headlamp. This is a low-profile multi-function headlamp with the performance you’ve come to expect from Streamlight headlamps, but it does not break the bank. The Streamlight Enduro Pro Headlamp comes with three lighting modes to cover a variety of tasks: spot beam for a focused beam, flood for soft area illumination that won’t tire your eyes, and red or green LEDs to preserve your night vision.
Coyote cover with green LEDs
Spot for distance lighting:
High: 200 lumens; 95 m beam; runs 6 hours
Medium: 75 lumens; 57 m beam; runs 14 hours
Low: 25 lumens; 35 m beam; runs 38 hours
Flood for area illumination:
High: 135 lumens; 29 m beam; runs 6 hours
Medium: 45 lumens; 18 m beam; runs 14 hours
Low: 15 lumens; 9 m beam; runs 38 hours
Price: $29.99
Now, chances are that you probably have a first aid kit as part of your go bag, bug out bag, loadout, or whatever you want to call it. However, not every first aid kit comes equipped with a tourniquet, and these are essential to have on hand as well as know how to use. Perhaps you are someone who just likes to hike and camp, you may not think that you need to have a tourniquet.
However, if you suffer a wound to an appendage, whether that be a broken bone that is protruding, an accidental gunshot wound, or some other type of injury that is bleeding profusely, how are you going to stop the bleed? Accidents happen, and tourniquets are essential to have on hand.
The North American Rescue CAT-TQ is a great option. Featuring a single routing buckle for faster application, decreased blood loss, effective slack removal, fewer windlass turns, this is a great tourniquet for quick application.
This also features a windlass rod with increased diameter for enhanced strength and aggressive ribbing for improved grip, as well as a bilateral windlass clip for rapid windlass lock and bilateral buttress for added strength.
Some other features include:
Reinforced stabilization plate with beveled contact bar
Signature red elliptical tip (Red Tip Technology(R)) provides visual cue during application
Patented free-moving internal band for true evenly distributed circumferential pressure
Price: $29.99
Gas Mask
Next up on the list of most underrated pieces of outdoor equipment, is a gas mask. People tend to think that these are for situations where you are being hit with a chemical attack, but gas masks are for much more than that. With the rising numbers of wildfires that have been popping up, you never know when you are going to come across these. That being said, the last thing you want is to be in your tent, battling smoke inhalation and not being able to see. Get a gas mask that you can throw on quickly and easily, and it functions well.
As far as a good gas mask, the MIRA Safety CM-7M gas mask is one of the top options on the market. To go alongside it, we highly recommend the NBC-77 SOF CBRN Gas Mask Filter to go with the CM-7M. These two products go hand in hand with keeping you safe from hazardous materials, and making sure that you are prepared.
Price: $275.95
Faraday Bag
Image courtesy of SLNT
Last on the list of underrated outdoor and survival gear, faraday bags. These are to help protect your electronic devices from being tracked, being hacked into, and being affected by EMPs. Now, many people think that these are not necessary pieces of gear, because if an EMP hits then we can’t use our phones anyway, right? Well, somewhat. But, faraday bags will also protect your radios and walkie talkies which will be essential for communication if that ever were to happen.
That being said, the Incognito Faraday Backpack is perfect for those who value their privacy, as well as digital and physical security, while being able to store their gear. The Incognito Faraday Backpack is made with an unbranded design, lockable zippers, and two concealed carry hidden quick access pockets so you can quickly draw your sidearm if you come into a survival situation. That’s right, you don’t just need to use a holster, and you don’t have to worry about your sidearm being loose in your backpack, as the SLNT Faraday Incognito Backpack has a spot crafted just for your sidearm.
Aside from that, your belongings truly are secure in these bags, from your sidearm to your cell phone and wallet. These bags also feature two removable signal-blocking Faraday compartments that instantly block all wireless communication, ensuring your devices remain disconnected and protected from potential threats such as hackers and trackers. You are able to really experience complete security and go off the grid with the Incognito Faraday Backpack, and block out the following:
Solar Flare
Key Fob
EMF Radiation
Use code “CVT” for a discount on SLNT products!
Don’t Forget to Train
Having the best gear is great, but it is not always enough. You can be experienced in the outdoors, be equipped, know how to hunt, fish, and provide. However, knowing how to defend yourself against opposition forces is crucial. Knowing how to shoot from long ranges, clear rooms in close quarters, and be a dangerous individual overall is crucial.
you can also check out some tactical training courses at Core Vision Training, to see how you really react in different scenarios. When it comes to finding good tactical training, Core Vision Training offers a wide variety of tactical courses that will help you get used to your gear and maneuvering through different situations.
The best part is, they offer training in many different areas of the country. Core Vision offers some awesome LPVO training, as well as medical to get you used to utilizing a first aid kit if you were to ever need one. Core Vision Training also offers some great close quarters courses.
There also are multiple states that Core Vision Training is in, offering tactical training courses in:
Underrated Outdoor and Survival Gear Wrap Up
There you have it, some of the most underrated pieces of outdoor and survival gear that should be in your kit. What does your kit consist of? Let us know!
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