SOBEK Designs TAP Pack 2.0

SOBEK Designs TAP Pack 2.0
Threat. Assessment. Prop. Pack.
These training Packs contain 25 images that simulate threatening and benign objects that could be found in the hands of people you may interact with every day or in a life threatening situation. These items provide opportunities during firearms instruction or self-lead drills to help individuals hone their skills in accurately evaluating and acting on threats, as well as identifying harmless everyday items.
What is New? Based on feedback from end users, they eliminated some items from the pack, and added others to try to provide as much variety as possible. They have also included diversity of skin color to increase the complexity of what you see when evaluating threats.
As always, you can still count on:
Reusable corrugated plastic can be pinned to targets and moved between stages
Resists moisture
Photo-realistic images (examples include: several types of weapons held at different angles, knives, tools, phones, bongs, and more)
Includes: Vinyl bag and T-Pins
Silhouette Target in photo not included