CQB Primer / Refresher

CQB Primer / Refresher


8:1 Student to Instructor Ratio

This one day, 8 hour course covers the following;

  1. Understanding the basic principles of room clearing

  2. Assessing structures to understand the best plan of action to achieve the most desirable outcome

  3. Decision-making based on the size and layout of structure

  4. Clearing in small elements such as solo or two-man cqb

  5. Positive Threat Identification


  1. An understanding of:

    • Different types of rooms

    • Breaking down Hallways

    • How to efficiently and safely work in close proximity to teammates in a dynamic environment

One day CQB Primer / Refresher. Qualifies you for the membership program.

This course does not include a Force on Force portion.

Packing List

Proof of U.S. Citizenship is required at the start of the course. Failure to provide this will result in removal from the course with no refunds provided.

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